Monday, December 7, 2009

US EPA to Regulate Green House Gasses Under the Clean Air Act

This article summarizes the EPA and the new regulations. They are now starting to strengthen the regulations from the Clean Air Act. Not only companies but new cars are increasing in the amount of green house gasses there are in the air. Due to this the sea levels are rising causing violent storms and more species to move up North due to the climate change. 

I think the EPA needs new regulations. This country has become much worse in the past ten years and this trend will only continue unless someone enforces the Acts that help the environment. Clearly the old ones aren't working because America continues to become more polluted. It is killing species because they can not adapt to the rapid climate change and causing more to move North due to the change making more habitats less diverse. Also climate change is affecting everyday life like the heating and cooling bills people have to pay. It will make more places use already exhausted water resources. Climate change causes the sea level to rise which is very dangerous due to the low areas of the coast. All of these are problems that need to be fixed and it won't happen if the government won't enforce the laws that is has made. 

Works Cited 

Greenway, Roger. "US EPA to Regulate Green House Gasses Under the Clean Air Act." Environmental News Network. 7 Dec. 2009. Web. 7 Dec. 2009. 


  1. I agree that the EPA needs new regulations and stricter ones at that. If we really want to do something that will truly work to solve global climate change it needs to be soon and it needs to be revolutionary. Conditions in America and around the world are quickly getting worse, much quicker than scientists had originally predicted so action needs to be taken soon. Hopefully some of our climate and energy issues can be solved at the Copenhagen confrence currently going on.

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