Thursday, December 10, 2009

'Framework' for climate bill unveiled

News of a bipartisan climate legislation proposal by United States senators has been released. The framework of this proposal will provide an opportunity and a start for compromise and negotiations for environmental protection among democrats and republicans. The bill will include aid towards nuclear energy and offshore drilling to further obtain support of both democrats and republicans, or the needed 60 senators for approval. The legislation has been quoted as "a positive development toward reaching a strong, unified, and bipartisan agreement in the senate," White House Press Secretary Gibbs. The proposed bill supports, and is crucial to aiding President Obama's efforts to build a new energy foundation.

Is this legislation necessary? Yes. In order to build a new energy foundation that will emphasize energy conservation and cut the emission of greenhouse gases; this bill must be implemented by the support of both democrats and republicans. The proposal will send a strong message to the world that the United States is willing to take the measures necessary to preserve the environment. Other superpowers such as France and Great Britain have already taken the steps necessary to achieve cleaner nations. Now it is the United States turn to follow in their footsteps. This proposed bill will make this possible. Some republicans may argue the costs of creating this revolutionary energy foundation; but government funding and the government itself is required to make this bill possible. All-in-all this proposal is a win-win situation that will allow the United States to regulate emissions and establish a greener identity.

What are your thoughts/ opinions on bipartisan climate legislation?

Source: Associated Press "'Framework' for climate bill unveiled" 10 Dec. 2009


  1. Yeah bipartisanship should be a no brainer. Climate change is irrefutable now so there is no taking sides. It's a question of whether you're willing to sacrifice economy for future well being. Therefore both parties should back up future well being of America, land of the free. God bless America. America is our childrens country too

  2. While nuclear energy is a hot-button issue, I believe that it is crucial to meet our energy needs, while reducing greenhouse emissions. This bill seems to be on the right track. Although supporting offshore drilling is a bit of a step back, it is a necessary evil in order to ensure that the rest of the bill passes. Without bipartisan actions like this, we will lose our struggle with climate change.
