Sunday, December 13, 2009

Understanding Ocean Climate

Summary: Scientists are beginning to look deep into the effects that the arctic ocean temperature can have on the overall ocean climate. Everyone has begun to notice a drastic loss of ice in the arctic, leading to freshwater flooding of ocean water. There is a worry that this influx of freshwater “could ultimately slow the overturning circulation of the North Atlantic,” possibly having disastrous consequences. Now scientists are trying to map out new routes for the ocean currents and are using computers simulate these hypotheses.

Personal Response: For centuries we have known that the ocean plays a large role in our climate. This is perhaps best shown through the consistent climates of coastal areas, where the ocean prevents a great change in temperature throughout the year. If there are any changes in the currents of the ocean it could have drastic effects on worldwide climate. Most climate results from these currents, combining with wind currents to create certain temperatures and weather patterns. It seems impossible to control things like ocean currents, but perhaps learning as much as possible about them will get us somewhere. In this way, we can begin to determine their complete impact on our world's climate. Most people have heard plenty about how the polar ice caps are melting and how this affects the animals that inhabit those ice caps, but many don't understand the effects it is having on all of our oceans. Unless you actually stop to think about it, changing the water a couple degrees or slightly altering the salinity doesn't sound like a very big deal. However, many organisms are incredibly sensitive to such changes, as are the currents upon which we so heavily depend. As a result, understanding these currents and doing whatever possible to keep them stable and continuing the way they always have is of the utmost importance to the health of our planet.

Askenov. "Understanding ocean climate." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. 13 Dec. 2009. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. .

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