Friday, December 11, 2009

Untold Levels of Oil Sands Pollution on Athabasca River Confirmed

The Athabasca Oil Sands stretch through most of Canada and into the Northern US. They contain near as much oil overall as much of the Middle East or even more. The only problem is that it requires much more work to extract from the oil sands than it does in oil fields. The pollution from the extracting is being found in the Athabasca River. It is an extreme amount of pollution as well. It is many times more than was originally thought to be in the River. Ecologists and other scientists are very worried about what the pollution is doing to most of North America.

This is very worrying, indeed. This pollution from the extraction process is many times as polluting as the pollution from regular oil extraction. The consequences for this pollution is even more deadly than the normal pollution. The River that is being polluted services much of the North and Northeast with water. Most of Canada is affected by this pollution. This has very large implications on much of the Americas.


  1. It's bad enough that we're so addicted to oil that we need to extract it at all costs, to buy it at all costs, and to burn it at all costs. But to allow the very product which is fueling the global climate crisis to pollute our own rivers is just plain stupid. If we don't take the time to notice "oil slicks on top of melted snow," we really are blind to the effects of oil on our environment.

  2. I think that it is a crime to be so dependent on a resource that is linked with pollution, terror organizations and breeches on human and environmental liberties. We should direct our focus away from the practices such as oil drilling “The highest levels of PAC's were found within 50 kilometres of two major oil sands up graders.” This evidence against oil drilling is direct proof of why we should narrow our thought down to sustainable energy sources like solar and wind energy. These efforts would provide us with clean energy and a resulting cleaner planet.
