Friday, May 28, 2010

U.S. Environment Not the Best for EVs

Gartner, John. "US Environment Not the Best for EVs." Environemtnal News Network (2010): n. pag. Web. 28 May 2010.

U.S. Environment Not the Best for EVs

In a new study done by the Environmental Protection Agency, it has been found that the economy of the United States is not fitted in the best way that would allow for he best participation of new fuel sources. With the recent launch of the electric vehicles and the enormous potential that those have for boosting the reduction in the amount of gasoline that is consumed in our border. Due to the higher prices in fuel costs, we need now, more than ever to have access to a method of powering our expanding economy, but the system will now allow it to prosper. The most fuel efficient cars are not coming from the United States, but another upcoming global leader, China. I believe that this method of helping our environment should be pursued because it is proven to work by the models and precedents set forth by other countries. The environment should always come forth. It is important to save the environment to save ourselves. They will have sold a quarter of a million electronic vehicles by the year two thousand fifteen. I believe that in order to be a competitor in the global market, we need to make tax exemptions and other economic advantages to be given to those who are willing to make the switch to greener alternatives to the dirty fuel that is not only polluting our environment, but also the economy. If we effuse to do this, our neighbors who are going to be more timely and futuristic will break barriers in becoming an upcoming world power. In China, people are offered a tax break of up o two thousand dollars for making the conversion, and we need to offer similar or better tax breaks to compete on the global market. The best way that people will go green is by making them feel economically obligated to make the switch, and tax breaks would be a perfect way to incite this conversion. I feel like he United States might be loosing ground in the global market and in order to gain back what we have lost, we must be give economic tax breaks to those who are willing to go green.

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