Thursday, May 27, 2010

Effiecency, Not Just Alternatives, is Promoted as an Energy Saver

Using energy efficently will allow you to use less of it which will help with energy costs and energy needs. This like alternative resources is also going to help the environment and the fossil fuel crisis. However 75% of consumers will only install energy saving appliances and systems if it saves them money withing a maximum of 2 years. Companies as a result are starting to subsidize energy efficent appliances and systems.

The subsidizes are an excellent idea. It is shocking that over 75% of consumers wont buy energy effiecent materials without an immediate result. This is possibly why we are having so much trouble starting and sustaining a green revolution. People are, as always, more interested in their pocketbooks and how it is good for them but for the world in general. This is a very unfortuante view of the world especially when it comes to things like this. Future impacting things, I believe personally should get more of a view besides the immediate(next 2 years) economic return.


  1. i agree with sylvan, to many people think of the present only and not enough of the future. not only is it better for the environmental health of the planet but it is also economically benefitial to consumers. it is usually more expensive in the beginning to go green but eventually it saves the consumer money which is what they really want.

  2. The proposed ideas would lower the demand for electricity and move our country swiftly onto a path of efficiency and hopefully a greater independence from the authoritarian oil countries to which our hands our so tightly bound. The offered incentives would increase the numbers of participants and by awarding this green activity, the idea would surely spread. It is therefore quite unfortunate that such a promising venture is slightly halted by the fact that the customers demand repayment so quickly for them to be interested in the concept. With the current state of the economy and rising unemployment this should be expected, however, accommodated for.
