Sunday, May 30, 2010

BP Engineers Making Little Headway on Leaking Well

This article is about the oil spill that occurred recently in the Gulf. Basically, engineers are using a 'trial & error' approach to stopping the leak. Obama also decided to visit the gulf instead of going on vacation.

What is most frustrating about this oil spill, is that the risk of spilling in the ocean should have been thought out before they started drilling off shore. We should have had several methods in place that would have prevented the spill from getting this bad. America comes up with great ideas like off-shore drilling but they don't think about the repercussions. Engineers should have worked out how to stop the leak before the leak even occurred.

1 comment:

  1. Drilling for oil off shore is a very hazardous procedure. I don't agree with the method of drilling in the oceans, but i know that most of the oil we get is from there, and that we need it at this point in time. They should have had routine maintenance to make sure everything was working properly. The only way this oil spill could have happened would have been by a fault in the workings of the drilling and storing process. There needs to be guidelines and extensively trained engineers out at the rigs in order to make sure that disasters like this will not occur.
