Friday, May 28, 2010

This article is about some of the animals that are being affected by the oil spill. This particular article is about the blue fin tuna and how it is about to be in some serious trouble. Right now is the blue fin tunas spawning time. And to make things worse one of the tunas major spawning grounds is right near the site of the spill. It only takes a few drops of crude oil to kill a tuna egg. The older and larger blue fin tuna are at an even larger risk because they eat a smaller fish that has ingested the oil then they too become infected.


  1. This is just another example of the animals that have been hurt by the oil spill! Everyone thinks of otters and whales but tuna. Every living organism will be/is affected. In another article the point that if we invest and use alternative fuels then there will be less of a chance for things such as oil spills. The controversy over who cleans this up or pays to clean it up is fascinating to me. In my personal opinion it doesnt matter who does it as long as it gets done.

  2. I agree with sylvan, this wouldn't be caused if we had everything based off of alternative fuels. If not that, we could at least find safer ways to handle our fuel so that it doesn't affect the environment in the way that an oil spill does. Its also extremely expensive to clean up these oil spills which puts our government into further debt.
