Friday, May 28, 2010

This article is talking about how there is a small portion of the oil spil going into the loop current. If this happens this can devistate any thought of being able to clean up the spil. It will go into the marshes in south florida and even up the easter coast. This can cause even more distruction then the original spill did not to mention the fact that it is even on the coast.


  1. Yeah I have heard of that. I really hope that it doesn't happend because then the amount of destruction will increase dramactically. I hope that the can get the spill under control before that happens.

  2. Agreed. If this were to happen, it would be catastrophic. It would not only affect the marine life (though they would be affected the most), but it would also affect us as well because most cities along the coast have a seafood based diet. This oil spill could cause a major change in the food chain.
