Thursday, May 27, 2010

Oil spill sets precedence

This article gives some of the information on the oil spill in the Gulf Coast. it has to be one of if not the worst environmental catastrophes to happen in America. this oil spill has already released twice as much crude oil as the Exxon Valdez in Alaska. not only that, there is still more oil being released. so the problem is only getting worse and it has no clear solutions right now.

This disaster will be setting precedence over off shore drilling because now we know the consequences of this environmental destroying process. President Obama will want to avoid anything like this from ever happening again so he is going to be against anymore propositions. i think this is a good thing because maybe now we will start to realize offshore drilling isnt the best idea.

1 comment:

  1. I found this article very interesting because it basically gave a full account of everything that has gone on in the spill. I also like at the end of the article how it described how the pipe is being plugged and how it gave numbers on everything so that you really know what is going on.
