Thursday, May 27, 2010

American's renew environmental awareness after oil spil

This, is a pretty devastating realization. The article outlines the American "care-o-meter". Once the oil spill happened, environmental awareness skyrocketed, but the really sad numbers are the numbers before the oil spill. Our nation that has "supposedly" been going green has been declining. No longer are we trying to beat it green, our only goal is to mass produce that energy. This article just disturbs me how little we care about the environment, what will happen in ten years? Do we wait for oranges to go extinct before we care about the environment?


  1. This article highlights the issue that Americans are fueled by sensationalism. We are excited by the large pictures of the devastating oil spill and the yellow journalism that flocks to parade pictures of damaged sea birds and other wild life. The media knows how to captures our nation’s attention, yet we should already have a strong environmental focus considering our role on the world stage’ economically, politically and ethically and our environmental policies should be up there too. We need to raise a greater awareness before the next tragedy strikes and not after.

  2. I like this article because it shows that people that have supposedly been going green only really care when there is something big going on. And thats not the way to be. We should be continuously caring and trying to be more envrionmentally friendly and aware. So we should be more proactive and be ready than be reactive and wait for something to happen before we do anything.

  3. I think this only shows that people care when it affects them directly. They couldn't care less about something until it's right up in their face.
