Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sailing ships could harvest fuel from the ocean

This article from the New Scientist Environmental Review discusses the unveiling of a novel, and unconventional renewable energy source. The article describes how sailboats would harness wind energy, which would be converted into hydrogen. The energy could be stored on the ship in that medium until it were transported to shore to be applied as electricity.

Dealing with the energy crisis is going to require more than implementation of what is preceived to be a panacea energy source. It is going to require ingenuity, creativity, and research, as this proposal seems to have. This source of energy holds merit, and needs government subsidization in order to become widespread enough to have a profound effect.
It is continued interest in new energy sources, and the ability to think outside the proverbial box which will elicit sustainability in energy generation. I see this energy proposal as a hopeful sign of the possibilities, in hopes of a cleaner today and a brighter tomorrow.


  1. This sounds just like something out of a science fiction novel. In my opinion though, it sounds like a fantastic way to harness very clean resources. The sailboats are still being powered cleanly, and the coastal areas get super clean fuel. I agree that it will require a high bar of creativity and funding to be successful, but all in all an amazing idea.

  2. I agree with Athie. As you can tell the oil spill has been a major problem and I think we need to do anything to prevent it from happening again. Not only would this energy get us off oil but it would be much more environmentally friendly. This could also open more doors and show that it is possible to go with alternative resources. Even if it is a little more expensive the benefits out weigh the cost and we need to switch off of fossil fuels.
