Sunday, May 30, 2010

Despite Moratorium, Drilling Projects Move Ahead

Despite Moratorium, Drilling Projects Move Ahead

As the title suggests, at least 7 new permits for drilling have opened up and five environmental "waivers" have been granted, helping oil drill sites become even more dominant. The Department of the Interior and the Minerals Management Service state that they had "no intention on halting oil drilling and gas production."

It makes me sad that there are even such things as "environmental waivers." The basic premise of these waivers is that any company who leaks oil into the ocean is let off the hook. This is, excuse my language, complete horse shit. It is incredulous that a company can be reinstated to do their job of drilling dirty oil and selling it for dirty money, and to be able to be waived of any fines by the federal government. It's sick. They should outlaw these "environmental waivers" because once you've destroyed a certain part of the Earth, you should be held responsible and made to reimburse the damage done. I also think that when they are charged for the damages that a certain percentage of the fine they pay should be sent as grants to environmental research facilities in order to make processes in cleaning up the damages made by these oil rigs, and not only that, but also to research renewable energy sources to make a cleaner Earth.

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