Friday, May 28, 2010

Scientists Oppose Nano- Dispersant Proposed for gulf

Schneider, Andrew. "Scientists Oppose Nano-Dispersant Proposed for Gulf." AOL News (2010): n. pag. Web. 28 May


In the wake of the massive oil spill that has been plaguing our country for weeks, there has been quite a rage coming from many environmentalists about the best way to handle this situation. Some say that a giant dome should be built, and others propose that we should put bacteria on the oil. Still others, in a new article, state that new nano technologies should be used in order to stop the spread of the oil. However, despite this interesting sounding and futuristic plans that could solve our issue, many environmentalists are ardently objecting to this plan. They say that this technology is untested and could possibly just make the problem even more severe. In a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency, Ian Illuminator, a health and environment campaigner for the Friends of Earth, he says, We should not blindly trust a company that will not disclose the exact nature of the manufactured nonmaterial it proposes to dump into the sea. You or I wouldn't trust a stranger who wanted to dump undisclosed chemicals in our backyards, and the EPA shouldn't trust this corporation. I agree with the environmentalists that we should not put our future in the hands of fate in solving this oil spill, and we need to make sure that it is safe before we test it out. Just because the oil spill is creating a stir, and the public is at a state of unrest about it, we still need to think deeply about our actions before we put them into play. We must not act hastily even though he situation has become very sever, and thousands of square mils of the coast are becoming barren and stricken with oil. Although the company, Green Engineering Technologies, assures that it is safe, the Environmental Protection Agency is taking extra precautions before they jump into this plan. I believe that this is definitely the right thing to do and in order to keep our nation looking beautiful, we must make sure that we choose the best method to preserve ourselves. By doing this we can make sure that we prevent a horrible situation from getting even worse.

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