Thursday, October 1, 2009

BBC Drops Climate Change Special


Summary: This article is about the BBC deciding to drop a day of programing that encouraged viewers to save energy and go green. While some people may consider this to be a good thing, the BBC recieved critism for broadcasting this. The critics, many who are in the media industry, say that broadcasting such programs would make the BBC impartial towards climate change. Those who are in favor of this is feel that through broadcasts by the BBC people will be encouraged to go-green. This is a problem that has little room for negoiation. Either people believe the media should broadcast biased reports or remain object. The debate then stands; Should we allow our media to become biased for a good cause or should the media remain objective?

I personally do not believe that media should be biased in this concerning this. It is the responsiblity of the media to preduce reliable, objective information to the publc. Having biased information limits the amount of personal opionion making that the individual does. As a result individuals rights are being infringed. Therefore I do not believe the BBC should have broadcasted those programs, despite the current need for the world to become much more efficient. Additionally I think that the BBC should be allowed to report (objectively) about going-green as much as they deem necessary without being called biased. I believe this because environmental issues have caused a major controversy. If a news source, like the BBC, were not to report the controversy then they themselves would have falled down on the job. Therefore, as a respected media outlet, the BBC should report in a manor that presents both sides equally. This allows for readers to decide their opinions for themselves.